Getting Started
Product Overview
Magnetic Pickups Multiplayer (Will be called MPM throughout the documentation) is a blueprint package designed with ease of use and performance in mind.
MPM makes use of a master pickup blueprint. This blueprint can be found here: MagneticPickupsMultiplayer > Blueprints > BP_MagneticObject_Master
In this blueprint you will find the different settings available for the magnetic pickups. Included in the settings is the "Mode" setting. This variable provides you with two options:
​Physics Mode
Time Mode
Physics Mode:
Physics mode applies a continuous force towards the closest player to every nearby pickup that has a line of sight with that specific player.
This means that if an object misses the player it will fly past the player.
Time Mode:
Time mode starts a timeline as soon as a player comes within range of the pickup and has a line of sight with the pickup. This means that every object will take the same amount of time to reach the currently targeted player. The object can switch targets mid-flight if another player gets closer than the current target.
More info on all the different settings can be found here
MPM also features a lootcrate. This blueprint can be found here: MagneticPickupsMultiplayer > Blueprints > BP_Container
This blueprint will spawn either a random, or set amount of items specified from within either the instance or the master blueprint.
More info on the different settings and usage can be found here
If you prefer watching a video tutorial on the implementation of the product, click here
Unreal engine version: 5.0+
Operating system: Windows / MacOS